Authored Book:
Reviewed for Corrosion Science by
Listed below are:
Patents Papers and Presentations at Conferences Selected Report titles
- PS Sidky, "Synergistic Effects of Materials, Inhibitors and - PS Sidky and C Patel, "Corrosion studies of coated and uncoated aluminium alloys".
-A. Jegede, M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky, "Mechanistic Studies of alloys under Various conditions in a Simulated Waste Incinerator Environment at 750 deg. C": (28 pp). * K. Berchem and M.G. Hocking: "The influence of pre-straining on the corrosion fatigue performance of two hot-dip galvanised steels", Corrosion Science 48, 4094-4112 (2006) * K. Berchem and M. G. Hocking: "A simple plane bending fatigue and corrosion fatigue testing machine", Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 17 (2006), no. 10, pp. N60-N66. * PS Sidky, "Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI): Establishing Current Industry Best Practice", Proceedings of Topsides Integrity Management, 22-23 Feb., 2005, Aberdeen, Scotland. Publ. IQPC (International Quality & Productivity Centre, London, UK) (2005), * PS Sidky, "Cost of Corrosion; A Comparison of the UK and US Studies on Cost and Mitigation", Proceedings of Corrosion Management in Upstream Oil and Gas, 29-30 Nov. 2004, Aberdeen, Scotland. Publ. IQPC (International Quality & Productivity Centre, London, UK) (2004) * M.G. Hocking, P.S. Sidky, D.J. Mills & G. Bulman, "Scanning electrode study of painted steels", Presented at ESP-NET Meeting, Sheffield-Hallam University, (2004) * M.G. Hocking, "Marine Corrosion", Plenary Lecture, 4th Libyan Corrosion Conference, Tripoli (2003) * PS Sidky, Plenary lecture "Corrosion Control - Multiple Frontiers", 4th Libyan Corrosion Conference, Tripoli (2003). *I.M. Ghayad & M.G. Hocking, �Internal Cathodic Protection of Steel Pipes carrying Electroytes�, Egyptian J. Chem. 45 (2), 273-281 (2002). * M. Mazraeh, M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky, "Protective Properties of Metallic Coatings for Thermal Cycle Applications", Proceedings of the NACE(UK)/Inst. of Corrosion Conference in Edinburgh 18-20 September 2001, Corrosion Odyssey 2001. * M. Mazraeh, M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky,"High temperature resistant coatings", Proc EUROCORR-2000 Conf, London (2000). * S.K. Singh, P.S. Sidky, M.G. Hocking & J. Boran, "Hydrogen embrittlement stress cracking in concrete prestressing steel wires", Proc EUROCORR-2000 Conf, London (2000). * Q. Fang & P.S. Sidky "Measurement of Residual Stresses in Ti-6-4/SiC (SM1140 plus and SCS-6) Continually reinforced Composites by Matrix Etching", Surface & Coatings Technology, accepted, in press, & in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Composites Engineering, 6-13 July, 1997, Hawaii, USA, p. 905. * A.J. Sinclair, P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Interpretation of scanning reference electrode maps", Proc EUROCORR-2000 Conf, London (2000). * M.G. Hocking, Corrosion education at university at the MSc level, "Invited Paper, Proc EUROCORR-2000 Conf, London (2000). * M. Mazraeh, P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Resistance of flare stack coatings to corrosion", Proc AIM Conf on corrosion in refinery, petrochemical and power generation plants, Venice (2000). * Z. Razak, A.J. Kinloch & M.G. Hocking, "In-situ corrosion monitoring of structural adhesive joints", Proc EUROCORR-2000 Conf, London (2000). * P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Contactless heating of moving wires", High Temperatures High Pressures, 33 (No 5) (2001). * M.G. Hocking, "Diffusion of oxygen in liquid copper and nickel", Trans IMM (C), 109, C79-C82 (2000). * S.O. Moussa & M.G. Hocking, "Photo-inhibition of localised corrosion of 304 stainless steel in sodium chloride environment", Corrosion Science 43, 2037 (2001). * S.R. Allahkaram, V. Vasantasree & M.G. Hocking, "Electrochemical potential mapping of an RSP light alloy", Corrosion Science, 43, 1645-1656 (2001). * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Cracking behaviour and stress release in Ti matrix composites", Materials Science & Engineering, A288, 142-7 (2000). * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Residual Stresses in Ti matrix composites in thermomechanical cycling, using matrix etching", Materials Science & Engineering, A228, 293-7 (2000). * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Erosion resistance of continuous SiC Fibre-reinforced Ti-Based Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) by a SiC/Water Slurry Jet", Wear, 235, 174-181 (1999). * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "t-m phase transformation of PSZ-Zirconia in Corrosion Solution at Room Temperature", Wear, 235, 615-622 (1999). * P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Review of Inorganic Coatings & Coating Processes for Reducing Wear and Corrosion", British Corrosion Journal, 34, (3) 171-183 (1999). * Q. Fang, H Xu, P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Erosion of Ceramic Materials by a Sand/Water Slurry Jet", Wear, 224, 183-193 (1999). * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky, M.G. Hocking, "Micro-ripple Formation & Removal Mechanism of Ceramic Materials by Solid-Liquid Slurry Erosion" Wear, 223, (1-2) 93-101 (1998). * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky, M.G. Hocking & J.Y. Zhang, "Cracking Behaviour of carbon coating on SiC fibre and Residual Stresses in Ti/SiC Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs)", Surface & Coatings Technology, 100-101, 264-270 (1998). * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky, M.G. Hocking, "Erosion and Corrosion of PSZ-Zirconia and the t-m phase transformation", Presented at the 9th International Conference on Erosion and Abrasive Wear, Cambridge, 13-17 Sept. (1998). * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky, M.G. Hocking, "Erosion Resistance of Continuously Reinforced SiC-Ti-Based metal matrix composite by a SiC Water/Slurry jet" Presented at the 9th International Conference on Erosion and Abrasive Wear, Cambridge, 13-17 Sept. 98. * MG Hocking, "Wire Explosion Coating", (Keynote Paper) presented at the 4th International Conference on Advances in Surface Engineering , Newcastle (1996). Chapter 2.2.10, p. 168 in "Advances in Surface Engineering", Vol. 2, "Process Technology", Ed. PK Datta & JS Burnell-Gray, Publ. by the Royal Society of Chemistry, 1997. * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky, M.G. Hocking & S. Long, "Erosive Wear Behaviour of Al2O3-Fibre Reinforced Aluminium Based Metal Matrix Composites", Materials and Design, 18 (4/6) 389-393 (1997). * Q Fang, P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "The effect of Corrosion and Erosion on Ceramic Materials", Corr. Sci. 39,(3) 511-527 (1997). * KE Onoyivbe, MG Hocking and PS Sidky, "A Review of work on the measuring and monitoring of High Temperature Corrosion of Alloys in Cl 2 and HCl". Proceedings of the 38th Corrosion Science Symposium, 10-12 September 1997, Imperial College, London, UK. Publ by the Institute of Corrosion. * SK Singh, PS Sidky and MG Hocking, "Corrosion behaviour of Prestressing Steel wires used for Concrete Reinforcement", Proceedings of the 38th Corrosion Science Symposium, 10-12 September 1997, Imperial College, London, UK. Publ by the Institute of Corrosion. * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky & MG Hocking, "Acoustic emission measurements during thermomechanical cycling of Ti/SiC metal matrix composite". Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Composites Engineering, 6-13 July, 1997, Hawaii, USA, p. 319. * Q. Fang & P.S. Sidky, "Measurement of Residual Stresses in Ti-6-4/SiC (SM1140 plus and SCS-6) Continuously reinforced Composites by Matrix Etching". Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Composites Engineering, 6-13 July, 1997, Hawaii, USA, p. 905. * P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Inorganic Coatings for Reducing Wear", (Invited paper) Paper presented at the Seminar for Materials Design for Reducing Wear, Institute of Mechanical Engineers, London, 2 July 1997. * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Erosive Wear Behaviour of Aluminium Based Composites", Paper presented at the International Conference on Advanced Materials ICAM'97 & E-MRS'97, 16-20 June, 1997, Strasbourg, France. * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky, M.G. Hocking & J.Y. Zhang, "Cracking Behaviour and Residual Stresses of Carbon-Coating on SiC-Fibre in Ti/SiC metal matrix composites", Paper presented at the International Conference on Advanced Materials ICAM'97 & E-MRS'97, 16-20 June, 1997, Strasbourg, France. * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Thermo-mechanical Cycling of Continuous SiC/Ti Metal Matrix Composites", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Composites Engineering, 21-26 July, 1996, New Orleans, USA, p. 763. * Q. Fang, P.S. Sidky, M.G. Hocking & S. Long, "Erosive Wear Behaviour of Al 2 O 3 -fibre-reinforced Aluminium Based Metal Matrix Composites", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Composites Engineering, 21-26 July, 1996, New Orleans, USA, p. 261. * S.K. Singh, M.G. Hocking, R. Jha, A. Chatterji & T. Mukherjee, " Study of corrosion of HSLA steel reinforcing bars in industrial & marine environments", Corrosion 96 (NACE, USA). * Yu. I. Utochkin, A.V. Pavlov & M.G. Hocking, "Refining of steel to remove nitrogen, using fluxes of high nitride capacity", Ironmaking & Steelmaking, (1995).
* A. Jegede, V. Vasantasree & M.G. Hocking, "Corrosion of Ultimet & 310 stainless steel in a simulated waste incinerator environment at 750 deg. C.", * A. Jegede, V. Vasantasree & M.G. Hocking, "Corrosion of HR-160 & HA-188 alloys in a simulated waste incinerator environment at 750 deg. C.", J.Mat.Sci.Lett.14, 858-860 (1995). * A. Jegede, V. Vasantasree & M.G. Hocking, "High Temperature Corrosion of Ultimet, HA-188 & 310 Stainless Steel in a simulated waste incinerator environment", Cobalt Inst. Conf., Toronto (1995). * A. Jegede, V. Vasantasree & M.G. Hocking, "Corrosion of Co-base alloys in a simulated waste incinerator environment", Scandem-95 Conference, Trondheim (1995). * H. Xu, M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky, "Sulphidation-Oxidation Behaviour of Alloy 800H in SO 2 +O 2 and H 2 -H 2 S-CO-CO 2 Atmospheres. Oxidation of Metals, 41, 81-102 (1994). * M.G. Hocking, "Hot corrosion of coatings for superalloys", Proc. C.B. Alcock Symp. on High Temperature Materials Chemistry, Inst. of Materials, London (1994), p.149-160. Invited paper. * M.G. Hocking, "Coatings resistant to erosive/corrosive & severe environments" (edited, with new material), Surface & Coatings Technology 62, 460-6 (1993). * M.G. Hocking, "Coatings resistant to erosive/corrosive & severe environments", Proc. International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films 1993, San Diego (1993). Plenary paper (invited). * M.G. Hocking, "Effects of minor elements on the oxidation/corrosion behaviour of high temperature materials", Inst. of Materials Conference on the role of minor elements on performance of high temperature alloys, London (1993) (Invited paper). * M. McLean & M.G. Hocking, "Cobalt's largest market: superalloys, past present & future", Proc. Cobalt '93 Conference, London (1993). * H. Xu, M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky, "Sulphidation-oxidation behaviour of a Ni-Co-Cr-Si alloy in SO2+O2", Oxid.Met. 39, 371-388 (1993). * H. Xu, M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky, "High Temperature Corrosion of Fe-, Co- and Ni-Base Superalloys in Oxidizing and in Reducing Sulphidizing Environments", 33rd Corrosion Science Symposium, 9-11 September 1992. * M.G. Hocking, "Production of Corrosion and Wear Resistant Coatings", Keynote Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Coatings and Surface Engineering for Corrosion and Wear Resistance, Newcastle on Tyne, 11-14 May (1992). * H. Xu, M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky, "High Temperature Corrosion of a Ni-Co-Cr-Si alloy in an SO 2 /O 2 Atmosphere", Proceedings of the International Conference "Advances in Corrosion and Protection" Manchester, 28 June- 3 July, 1992. * N. Chauhan, M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky, " Modern Engineering Ceramics as Heat Exchangers", Proc. "UK Corrosion '91 Conference", Manchester (1991) 3, 16pp. * S.R. Allahkaram, V. Vasantasree & M.G. Hocking, "New Instrumentation method for mapping stress corrosion cracking using scanning reference electrode", Proc. "UK Corrosion '91 Conference", Manchester (1991), 3, 25pp. * H. Xu, M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky, " High Temperature Corrosion of Superalloys in Simulated Coal Gasifier Atmospheres", "Eurocorr '91 Conference", Budapest (1991). * H. Xu, M.G. Hocking, P.S. Sidky & V. Vasantasree, "High Temperature Corrosion of Superalloys in an SO2+O2 Atmosphere", Presented and published in the proceedings of the UK Corrosion '90 Conference/, 29-31 Oct. (1990) Sandown Park, Esher, UK, 2, 297-318. * M.G. Hocking, "Production and Corrosion Resistance of Metallic & Ceramic Coatings" Proc. "UK Corrosion' 90 Conference", 29-31 Oct, (1990) Sandown Park, Esher, UK, 1, 199-239. * N. Bassi, M.G. Hocking & V. Vasantasree, " Scanning Reference Electrode study of Zinc-pigment painted steel". Measurements", presented at the UK Corrosion' 90 Conference, 29-31 Oct, (1990) Sandown Park, Esher, UK, 2, 429-30. * J.K.R. Weber & M.G. Hocking, "An Evaluation of FeCrAl Alloys in Simulated Coal Gasifier Atmospheres from 850 to 1050 deg. C.", Res. Mechanica (1990). * P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Effect of preoxidation & thermal cycling on corrosion of FeCrAl alloys in a coal gasifier atmosphere, Corros. Sci., 29, 735-765 (1989). * J.K.R. Weber & M.G. Hocking, "Effects of pre-formed alumina scales on behaviour of FeCrAl alloys in simulated coal gasifier atmosphere, Oxid. Met. 32, 1-12 (1989). * M.G.Hocking & P.S.Sidky, Effect of pre-oxidation & thermal cycling on the corrosion behaviour of Fe-Cr-Al-based alloys in a coal gasifier atmosphere, Proc. U.K. Corrosion Conf., Brighton (1987). * P.S.Sidky & M.G.Hocking, Hot corrosion of Ni-based ternary alloys & superalloys for application in gas turbines employing residual fuels, Corrosion Sci. 27, 499-530 (1987). * M.G.Hocking & P.S.Sidky, Hot corrosion of Ni-based ternary alloys & superalloys for gas turbine applications.II: Mechanism of corrosion in SO 2 +O 2 atmospheres, Corrosion Sci. 27,205-214 (1987). * P.S.Sidky & M.G.Hocking, Hot corrosion of Ni-based ternary alloys & superalloys for gas turbine applications. I: Corrosion in SO 2 +O 2 atmospheres, Corrosion Sci. 27, 183-203 (1987). * M. Van De Voorde, M.G. Hocking & V. Vasantasree, Ceramic coatings for thermomechanical applications (Review), High Temp.Mat. & Processes 7, 1O7-122 (1986). * D.F. Nuttall, L.F. Lee, M.G. Hocking & R.L. Stevens, Selection of materials for high efficiency gas-fired appliances, Corr. Sci. 26, 183-192 (1986). * M.G. Hocking & V. Vasantasree, High temperature corrosion of Ni-Cr-Al-Y alloys in molten sodium sulphate + chloride mixtures, Proc.Conf.on interaction of molten salts & metals, York (1986). * M.G. Hocking & V. Vasantasree, "Evaluation of additive effects on Ni-Cr and Co-Cr- alloy hot corrosion, Materials Sci. & Tech. 2, 318-321 (1986). * J.K.R. Weber & M.G. Hocking, An evaluation of Fe-Cr-Al alloys in simulated coal gasifier environments from 850 to 1050 deg. C., "High Temperature Alloys" (Ed. J.B.Marriott et al, (Elsevier, 1985). * J.R. Weber & M.G. Hocking, Hot corrosion of MA-965 composite alloy in coal gasifier atmospheres, Proc.Conf. on materials for high temperature environments, EEC, Petten (1985). * K.N. Strafford, P. Mistry, M.G. Hocking & V. Vasantasree, The influence of base composition & addition elements on the corrosion behaviour of MCrAl-type coating alloys. Proc. US/UK workshop on Gas Turbine Materials in a Marine Environment, Bath, November 1984. * D.S. McPhail, M.G. Hocking & J.H.E. Jeffes. Metal halide vapour complexes: vapour transport & lamp experiments, J. Mat. Sci. 20, 457-466 (1985). * D.S. McPhail, M.G. Hocking & J. H. E. Jeffes.Thermodynamic considerations of metal halide vapour complexes, J. Mat. Sci. 20, 449-456 (1985). * D.S. McPhail, M.G. Hocking & J. H. E. Jeffes. Metal halide vapour complexes: mass spectrometry, Int. J. Mass Spectr. & Ion Processes 59, 261 (1984) * P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, Corrosion of FeCrAlY and MA956 alloys for coal gasifier plant Proc. 9th Intl. Cong. on Metallic Corros., Toronto, June 1984, 4, 254-262. * U. Ma, E. H. Baker, V. Vasantasree & M. G. Hocking, High Pressure Hot corrosion of Ni-Cr-Ta alloys, Proc. 9th Intl. Cong. on Metallic Corros., Toronto, June 1984, 2, 64-73. * K.R. Kannan, V. Vasantasree & M.G. Hocking, Hot corrosion of Ni-based Cermet Coatings, Proc. Conf. Coatings and Surface treatments for Corrosion and Wear resistance, Newcastle upon-Tyne, April 1983, publ. Ellis Horwood (1984), p. 263. * S. Narain, N. Bonanos & M. G. Hocking, A. C. Impedance measurements on thick organic coatings on a mild steel substrate, J. Oil and Colour Chemists Assoc. 66, 48, (1983). * S. Narain & M. G. Hocking, Protective action of paints and its evaluation, Corros. and Maint. 5 (1982). * C.A.C. Sequeira & M. G. Hocking, Corrosion of Nimonic-105 in Na 2 SO 4 +NaCl melts, Corrosion (NACE) 37, 392, (1981). * M.G. Hocking & V. Vasantasree, Effect of silica and platinum on thermal decomposition of Na 2 SO 4 , Corr. Sci. 21, 731-2, (1981). * M.G. Hocking & V. Vasantasree, Effect of Temperature on hot corrosion of MCrAlY alloys in SO 2 +O 2 , Proc. 8th Intl. Congress on Metallic Corr., Mainz, Germany (1981). * M.G. Hocking, V. Vasantasree and A.H. Wai, Hot corrosion of MCrAlY alloys, Proc. Intl. Conf. on High Temp. Corr., San Diego, U.S.A. (1981). * M.G. Hocking V. Vasantasree and A.H. Wai, Electrochemical Assessment of hot corrosion of MCrAlY alloys, Proc. 31st meeting of Intl. Soc. Electrochem., Venice (1980). * M.G. Hocking, Interaction between SO 2 and refractory oxides, Proc. Conf. on Refractory Oxides, Odeillo (1977); Rev. Int. Hts. Temp. Refract. 16, 177-182 (1979). * P.S. Sidky and M.G. Hocking, Corrosion of Ni-base alloys in SO 2 +O 2 atmospheres at 700 and 900 deg. C., Proc. Conf. on Behaviour of high temperature alloys in aggressive environments, Petten, Netherlands (1979). * J.F.G. Conde, N. Birks, M. G. Hocking & V. Vasantasree, Aspects of the aetiology and mechanisms of hot corrosion in marine gas turbines, Proc. 4th U.S./U.K. Conf on Gas turbine materials in a marine environment, Annapolis U.S.A. (1979). * V. Vasantasree & M. G. Hocking, Studies on some basic mechanisms of hot corrosion, Proc. 4th U.S./U.K. Conf on Gas turbine materials in a marine environment, Annapolis, U.S.A. (1979). * T.M. Salem, J. Horvath & P.S. Sidky: "The use of soluble inhibitors for aluminium alloys", Corrosion Science 18, 363-369, (1978).
* B. Armas, J.H.E. Jeffes & M.G. Hocking, Vapour transport of NbB
& TaB
, * J.A. Carew, V. Vasantasree and M.G. Hocking, Hot corrosion of electrodeposited cermets, paper pesented at the Electrochem. Soc. Conf. at Pittsburgh, U.S.A. (1978). * M.A.M. Swidzinski, V. Vasantasree and M. G. Hocking, Hot Corrosion of 4 Ni-base alloys in 2:1 :: SO 2 :O 2 atmospheres with and without salt coatings, paper presented at Electrochem. Soc. Conf. at Pittsburgh, U.S.A. (1978). * C.A.C. Sequeira & M.G. Hocking, Polarisation measurements on solid Pt-molten Na 2 SO 4 +NaCl interfaces, Electrochem. Acta. 23, 381, (1978). * C.A.C. Sequeira & M.G. Hocking, SO 3 gauge for monitoring acidity of sulphate melts, 2nd Portugese Congress on Chem. (1978). * C.A.C. Sequeira & M. G. Hocking, Corrosion of Ni in Na 2 SO 4 + NaCl melts: potential-time and topochemical studies, J. Appl. Electrochem., 8, 179, (1978).
* C.A.C. Sequeira & M. G. Hocking, Corrosion of Ni in Na
+ NaCl melts, * C.A.C. Sequeira & M. G. Hocking, Potentiometric measurements on oxygen electrodes in molten Na2SO4, Electrochim. Acta. 22, 381, (1977). * C.A.C. Sequeira & M. G. Hocking, E-pO2- diagram for Ni corrosion in Na 2 SO 4 at 900 deg. C., Brit. Corr. J. 12, 158, (1977). * M. G. Hocking, V. Vasantasree, M. A. M. Swidzinski & J. A. Carew, Effect of NaCl on sulphate hot corrosion: Mass spectrometric, hot corrosion and chemical analyses, Electrochem. Soc. Conf., Georgia, U.S.A. (1977). * M.G. Hocking & V. Vasantasree, Mechanism of the high temperature corrosion of Ni-Cr alloys in SO 2 +O 2 , Corr. Sci. 16,279, (1976). * V. Vasantasree & M. G. Hocking, Kinetics of the high temperature corrosion of Ni-Cr alloys in SO 2 +O 2 , Corr. Sci. 16,261, (1976). * Vasantasree & M. G. Hocking, Electrochemical studies of hot corrosion of Ni-Cr alloys, Proc. 3rd U.K./U.S. Conf. on Gas turbine materials in a marine environment, Bath (1976). * M.G. Hocking & V. Vasantasree, Mass spectrometric studies of hot corrosion, Proc. 3rd U.K./U.S. Conf on Gas Turbine Materials, Bath. (1976). * M.G. Hocking & V. Vasantasree, A simple potentiostat circuit, Brit. Corr. J. 10, 160, (1975). * J. H. Wright & M. G. Hocking, Diffusivity of hydrogen in liquid Ni & Cu, Met. Trans. 3, 1749, (1972). * C.B. Alcock, M.G. Hocking & S. Zador, Mechanism and kinetics of the high temperature corrosion of Ni in SO 2 +O 2 , Corr. Sci. 9, 111, (1969). * Vasantasree, D. A. Pantony & M. G. Hocking, A gas-tight thermobalance-load seal, J. Sci. Instrum. 44, 791 (1967). * B. Alcock & M. G. Hocking, Mechanism and kinetics of the sulphation of cobalt oxide, Trans. I.M.M. (C) 75, C27 (1966). * M.G. Hocking & C.B. Alcock, Mechanism & kinetics of sulphation of cuprous oxide, Trans. AIME 236, 635, (1966).
- M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky, "Report on corrosion in recuperators of waste incinerator plant": Expert Witness Report, Major Arbitration Court Case - P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Hot corrosion of automotive engine alloys": Expert Witness Report, Major Court Case - M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky, "Aqueous corrosion of aluminium in major cooling water plant": Expert Witness Report, Major Court Case. - PS Sidky �Assessing the various operating parameters that led to the breakage of a mooring shackle- human error- corrosion effects and forces acting on the Mooring shackle�, Expert Witness Report, arbitration case. - M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky, "Corrosion of 316 stainless steel in water treatment plant", Large multidisciplinary investigation. For possible arbitration. - PS Sidky, �Assessing the effects of DRI dust on marine installations and coated parts and investigating the effect on various coatings as well as researching and assessing various cleaning agents�. Expert Witness Report - arbitration case - V. Vasantasree & M.G. Hocking, "Variable emissivity pigments for coatings", 4 volumes. - M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky: "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Zircaloy Nuclear Reactor Tubes", 3 volumes. - P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking, "Fibres for High Temperature Composites", 2 volumes. - P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking: " Ceramic Fibres (SiC) for Composites", 3 volumes. - P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking: "Strong Ceramic Fibres & Whiskers (SiC) for Composites". - P.S. Sidky & M.G. Hocking: "Heterogeneous Catalytic Decomposition of H 2 O 2 ", 4 volumes.
CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS: - M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky: Final Report presented to the SERC contract No. GR/B/26176 Jan (1986). - M.G. Hocking & P.S. Sidky: High temperature corrosion of coal-fired power station heat exchanger tubes. Interim Report presented to SERC Contract No. GR/B/26176, July 1981.
- P.S. Sidky: Chelation in hydrazine complexes. Studies in Aqueous Environments including electrochemical techniques: >>The Protective Action of Paints & its Evaluation. >>Electrochemical Potential Mapping for assessing the efficiency of various organic and inorganic coatings on corrosion protection. (Castolin) >>Monitoring of metallic coatings by the Scanning Reference Electrode Technique. >>Evaluation of environmentally friendly pretreatments and coatings for an organic coating line at British Steel. >>Evaluation of hard ceramic coatings for a galvanising bath at British Steel. >>Corrosion of Al-Zn alloy pigment painted steel surfaces. >>Corrosion mapping of coated steel, a computer-controlled probe technique. >>Painted steel in Kuwait corrosive environment: corrosion mapping & electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. >>Electrochemical potential mapping & corrosion studies of RSP light alloys. >>Potentiodynamic polarisation studies of Al alloys in synthetic flue gas condensate. >>Effect of minor alloying elements on the general corrosion and pitting characteristics of high strength wires for prestressed concrete applications. (Bridon Rope, Brown and Root, Tata Steel). >>Hydrogen embrittlement of prestressed steel wires in concrete (Tata Steel, British Steel, Brown and Root North Africa, Bridon Ropes). >>Cathodic protection criteria for reinforced concrete (GMRA) >>Thorocrete for cathodic protection of concrete (Thoro). Aqueous environment and oil and gas: >>Inhibitors for the Oil Industry (Nalco) >>Cathodic protection in oil separators >>An evaluation of new oil pipe pigging monitoring techniques >>Electrochemical and mechanistic studies of the effect of Inorganic and organic inhibitors on aluminium in various saline environments of various pHs >>Corrosion of aluminised steel in an industrial environment >>Corrosion of aluminium bronze weldments >>Localised corrosion of aluminium composites (BAe) >>Formulation and testing of water borne coatings for corrosion resistance >>Pitting of Ferallium & Zeron duplex stainless steels in saline sulphuric acid and hypochlorite media >>Corrosion of Al-Zn alloy pigment painted steel surfaces >>Corrosion of heat exchanger tubes for a salt plant >>Crevice Corrosion of Duplex Stainless steel >>Corrosion in welds for Aerospace applications >>Coatings performance for flare stacks (effect of stresses induced during thermal quenching). >>Electrodeposition & Hot Corrosion of Cermets. >>Potentiodynamic polarisation studies of Al alloys in synthetic flue gas condensate >>Corrosion of Al-Zn alloy pigment painted steel surfaces >>Corrosion studies on pre-stressing steel wires >>Crevice Corrosion of Duplex Stainless steel
>>The effect of electrostatic charges on the corrosion of edges >>Corrosion of electrical switches >>Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Strength Aluminium Alloy AL 7010-T651 >>Corrosion of TMCP steel for marine applications >>Galvanic Corrosion in carbon steel induced by carbon and hybrid carbon composites >>Cathodic Protection performance of the Thames Flood Barrier >>Corrosion of aluminium alloys >>Erosion corrosion of heat exchanger tubes >>Corrosion evaluation of hard surface cleaner containing hypochlorite >>Photo-inhibition of localised corrosion of 404 stainless steel in sodium chloride environment High temperature studies: >>Techniques for investigating high temperature corrosion. >>Diffusion of Hydrogen in Molten Cu & Ni. >>Reactions in the Segregation of Copper from Ores. >>Mass Spectrometry of some Metal Chlorides associated with the "TORCO" Method. >>Plasma ashing for Trace Metals Analysis in Residual Oils & Coals >>Thermodynamic studies of Complex Metal Halide Vapours. >>Hot Corrosion of Gas Turbine Alloys at Elevated Pressure. >>Corrosion of Ni-Base Alloys in Na 2 SO 4 + NaCl Melts, (MoD). >>Hot Corrosion of Ni-Cr Alloys in SO 2 -O 2 Mixtures. >>Hot Corrosion of Ni-Cr Base alloys in melts and gases containing sulphur and vanadium, (CEGB Electricity Board) >>High temperature corrosion of coal gasifier alloys. >>High temperature corrosion of Fe-, Co-, & Ni-base superalloys in simulated waste incineration & coal gasification environment. >>Corrosion of iron based alloys in coal gasifier atmospheres (EPSRC) 450 and 950 deg. C. >>Corrosion of Ni and Co based alloys in coal gasifier and gas turbine atmospheres, (EPSRC & MoD) >>Oxidation of Fe-Cr-Al Alloys in simulated coal gasifier atmospheres at 850-1050 deg. C. >>Corrosion of ceramic heat exchangers for improving efficiency in gas boilers, (British Gas) >>High temperature corrosion of cobalt based alloys in waste incinerator environments. >>Corrosion in waste incinerator environments and high temperature atmospheres containing chlorides, sulphides and carbon dioxide. >>High temperature corrosion of RSP alloys for natural gas-burning equipment. >>Hot corrosion of Cermets. >>High temperature corrosion of automotive engine alloys.
>>High temperature corrosion resistance of flare stack coating materials: >>High temperature corrosion of SiC >>Production & Characterisation of ceramic fibres (many patents) by Chemical Vapour Deposition, (MoD) >>Coatings for fine carbon tows: feasibility study, (EEC) >>Thermo-mechanical fatigue of Ti based metal matrix composites (DRA/DTI): CARAD. A unique item of equipment was built which incorporated various features including acoustic emission. The software was specifically designed for real-time monitoring of various parameters. Erosion and erosion corrosion: Corrosion/erosion of metallic composites as well as ceramics in liquid/solid particulate environments for offshore pumping applications, (Marine Directorate) - various projects. Non-Destructive testing: >>Investigating acoustic emission as a tool for following defect mechanisms in Ti/SiC metal matrix composites during thermo-mechanical cycling (DRA/DTI). >>Electrochemical noise technique for development of a corrosion resistant alloy UNS (N10276) for sulphuric acid recovery plants. >>Developments in scanning reference electrode technique for corrosion monitoring and coating performance evaluation. >>Corrosion mapping of alloys or coatings or inhibitors on metallic substrates to determine efficacy of protection in real time. >>Corrosion mapping of localised corrosion.
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