Corrosion in a large industrial waste incinerator
This was an extensive and high-profile arbitration case where a waste incinerator corrosion rate was in question.
The work involved taking samples from the incinerator and carrying out various analytical techniques e.g. X-ray, SEM, AA. An extensive literature survey was also performed. A mechanism for the corrosion of the waste incinerator was put forward based on the evidence collected and the operating temperature was then estimated based on the analytical results and on the proposed corrosion mechanism. Our case was successful.

Corrosion of vehicle engines by fuel additives
This case involved estimating the quantities of aggressive species from various sources and establishing a mechanism of corrosion at the operating temperatures. Road de-icing salt intake was a significant factor and evaluation of engine corrosion in various countries was considered. CMC was also involved in coordinating the reports of other experts from different disciplines. Our case was successful.

Corrosion of water-cooled aluminium ceiling panels throughout a large office building
This case concerned cleaning additives made to the water circulating through the Al panels but because Al is very sensitive to Cu traces in the water serious corrosion had occurred.  Biological corrosion was a factor and the use of corrosion inhibitors was also critical in this usage of Al.  

Expert Witness:   Some Major Court Cases completed

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