Training and Short Courses in Corrosion for people working in Industry


                                     Why do we need to understand Corrosion?

           Corrosion is extremely costly to the economy of a country and to   each
          industrial sector. In the UK this cost is about 4.5% of the
          Gross National Product.  This is about £400,000 per minute.

Improved efficiency, safety and minimisation of environmental pollution can be achieved through an understanding of the reasons for materials failures. 
By providing suitable design, materials selection and control methods, along with good economic analysis, industry can achieve great savings.

Dissemination of corrosion control information to the workforce and to management is the only way forward for a planned and targeted solution rather than "fire-fighting".

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>  Expert Witness

>  Failure Analysis  and
     Root Cause Analysis

>  Testing & Evaluation:
    - Inhibitor Laboratory
 &         Field Testing
    - Corrosion Mapping  
    - Electrochemical   
    - Metallurgical
    - SEM, XPS etc

>  Publications:
     - Book
     - Patents
     - Papers and
     - Conferences 
     - Links to other sources
        of information

Monitoring and
     Data Interpretation

> Asset Integrity

>  Innovation:
     - Research & Development    
CMC Equipment 

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